Intelectual outputs of GoodRENal project
1 GoodRENal platform:
The first aim consist of profiling the barriers, needs, and facilitators for individuals on hemodialysis to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity/exercise, nutrition, and psychological and cognitive well-being. For this purpose, a series of exploratory questionnaires were developed and answered by three groups: patients, their informal caregivers, and the healthcare professionals from the hemodialysis units. Four centers in Belgium, Spain, Greece, and Sweden participated. The results have been published in a scientific journal, and more detailed questionnaires can be found at this link.
Additionally, considering the information obtained from all involved groups, the GoodRENal platform has been created to promote healthy lifestyle habits during hemodialysis.
The following downloadable documents are available:
2 Microsessions
Taking into account the responses from the different groups, a series of training microsessions were developed to promote a healthy lifestyle (physical activity/exercise, nutrition, and psychological well-being and cognitive training) among individuals on hemodialysis by healthcare professionals. The following downloadable documents are available:
Microsessions for training healthcare professionals in promoting physical activity, nutritional habits, psychological well-being, and cognitive training
The following downloadable documents are available:
3 Recommendations for Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle in Individuals on Hemodialysis
Taking into account the responses from various groups (objective 1), several recommendations were developed to encourage an active lifestyle, adherence to nutritional guidelines, improvement of psychological well-being, and cognitive training. The recommendations are presented in a positive, direct, and concise language.
The following downloadable documents are available:
INFOGRAPHS to improve health of people undertaking hemodialysis regarding PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND EXERCISE
INFOGRAPHS to improve health of people undertaking hemodialysis regarding NUTRITION
INFOGRAPHS to improve health of people undertaking hemodialysis regarding PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING AND COGNITION